Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Miller & Morgan Out At ESPN, Rizzs Provides Encouragement

ESPN is breaking up their Hall of Fame Sunday Night Baseball announcing crew of Joe Morgan and Jon Miller.  (Note to Mariner fans:  Yes, Sunday Night Baseball still exists. No, don't expect to play on Sunday night in 2011.)  I think it has been a good 21-year run and will be sad to see them go. 

This is as good of time as any to pass along some encouragement from Mariner announcer Rick Rizzs.  Anyone who hasn't had the pleasure of finding this 'easter egg' on the Mariner site, enjoy!

1 comment:

Michael said...

Holy crap, that's a terrifying site. Hit all of the buttons repeatedly, and I swear to God you'll try to throw yourself out of the nearest window.

I'm thrilled to see Morgan go. I like Miller though. But hooray for new blood and anecdotes that actually happened.